Tuesday 14 October 2014

The Blind Side

The Blind Side

Where there is will there is a way... this message encourages us all to try for what we wish and the one who try always get results. Blind side an excellent movie, a heart-touching true story which gives us all a strong connection that somewhere in life we also need someone to come like an angel and help us with their magic wand just as Lian came in the life of Michael... A movie based on true story of a boy called Big Mike who was at the verge of depression because of his past which was not easy for him to forget. There are many people around us who are  in search of a single opportunity whereas those who are blessed with everything do not value it.

Blind side movie gives us the inspiration as to see what miracles takes place and how life changes upside down all of a sudden it becomes from nothing to everything. What i learnt from the movie is that never loose hope and keep on trying until you reach your goal. Michael had a goal in his life to be a good player. And he worked hard to get there and finally he succeeded. Similarly everyone in their life has some goals short term goals and long term goals. Short term goals can be categorized into the goals which are achieved in short term where as the ones who need a long time of span are long term goals. Desires never ends. They keep on coming one after another. My desire is to open a food chain. My restaurant will have an amazing interior which will give people an occasion to visit again and again and taste the scrumptious food every time with same excitement.

Goals and desires are not easily fulfilled and becomes impossible without proper guidance and hard work. As i mentioned above that my desire is to open a restaurant and for that many things are required like property, money, interior decorator, chef and so on. And first of all for all these things to get fulfill i need money a lot of money can only make my desire complete. and to all of that one thing is ought to be done that is to act on it. action has to be started after the decision is being made. 

And my goals are to become an i.a.s officer and to open an N.G.O for under nourished children whose parents can not afford to feed them with proper nutrition and are not wealthy enough to educate them. N.G.O will work on children nutrition, education, proper sanitation facility will be provided to them and will also help them to enhance their skills and developments will take place and make them stand on their feet so as to live a standardized life in society. All this will only take place after working hard. Grabbing each and every opportunity comes my way and utilize it properly.

Positive attitude and eagerness to learn new things and working hard is the only way to achieve my target. I don't know whether i am Sandra or Michael but i know that i want to be around the people who will help me and guide me which way to go. Rather than the ones who always discourage others by saying random things and giving advices which are not necessary for me to listen.

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