Saturday 11 October 2014

The Ultimate Gift Review

The Ultimate Gift Review 

"The ultimate gift"- is a master piece of finest script writing. This movie which teaches us few lessons about what all one should have in their lives. This movie basically gives us a lesson to how to live a life at its fullest with some gifts. A story of a boy called Jason who was a spoiled rich brat who does not care about anyone. And his grandfather in his "will" mentioned that all the surprise gifts would be given to him. And so from here the journey begins of rich spoiled brat to become a responsible man.

"The gift of Work"- it is said that a man who loves his work never labors. Hard work is the key to success. It is important in life to work so as to become a responsible man to be a bread-winner in the house and even makes your existence on the earth worthwhile. One should always enjoy their work and one will achieve anything. Every body works for themselves and for their loved ones to fulfil their necessities. Like in movie Jason got the gift of work when he worked at country side and learn how to be disciplined.

"The gift of Money"- money is nothing more than a tool. It can be a force for good, force for evil, or simple be idle which was in Jason's case had money and was idle. Money can motivate people around us. People work for money as that's how they buy stuff. Money can create chaos, can force people to fight among themselves. People now-a-days give priority to money and they are forgetting to how to live life without any tension. Money is also playing a vital role in our society like in the movie we saw that Jason's girlfriend dump him the moment he ask her to pay the bill which is not good but one should not give money that importance that it will overpower all the other essentials of life.

"The gift of friends"- when ever we talk about friends the statement which strikes our minds are that "A friend in need is a friend in deed". We all are blessed with all the relations we have been given by god like parents family relatives. Friendship is the only relation which one can choose freely on their own. It is a wealthy person, indeed who calculates riches not in gold but in friends. We all know that the term friends can also be defined as "few relations on earth never dies". Emily in movie becomes Jason's friend and helps him in his need. Friends do help each other at times.

"The gift of learning"- Education is a lifelong journey whose destination expands as you travel. The desire and hunger for education is the key to real learning. Education makes one civilized. It creates awareness among people. It removes all superstitions in which the people of our country are getting into. Education makes one disciplined. Each and every kind of education comes at use once in life. Nothing is wasted.

"The gift of problems"- a poet says that poetry comes out of the harsh realities of life. If one deals with the brutality of life and learn something new this is when the best poetry comes out of ones mind. Problems can only be avoided by exercising good judgement can only be gained by experiencing life's problem. Problems sometimes leaves one void a situation where they have nothing with them that is the perfect place to start life all over again with all the strength, excitement, passion. Problems are also important if one want to lead a peaceful life. Even roses have thorns in it.

"The gift of family"-some people are born into wonderful families. Others have to find or create them like Michael found a perfect happy family in blind side movie. Being a member of family is a privilege which costs nothing but lots of love. Family is never judgmental. Family stand by your side in problems. Family is the only thing in life one gets solace. Salacity level is so high in family that one hardly gets to know how to struggle when love and family members are with one.

"The gift of laughter"- every doctor in their profession prescribes two things first "an apple a day keeps doctor away" and second is laughter is the best medicine. Indeed laughter is good medicine for the soul. Our world is desperately in need of more such medicines. As in today's time people hardly get time to live even a single day without their daily struggle routine. The one who makes other people laugh is blessed by the talent.

"The gift of dreams"-Jason's grandfather Mr. Reed in his audio told him to feel free to dream and to which Jason replies that he do not know whether what are his dreams but he is sure that he has to fulfill others dreams. Faith is all that dreams need to see into the future. Dreams according to Sigmund Freud are the repressed thoughts of one. But if we keep aside his theory and see that every other person dreams about something sometime. Dreams encourage the person to work for that dream to fulfill it.

"The gift of giving"- the only way you can truly get more out of life for yourself is to give part of yourself away. One of the key principles in giving is that the gift must be yours to give either something you earned or created or maybe simply part of yourself. Helping other people also comes in the category of the gift of giving. As Jason helped Emily's mother by paying all her bills so as to reduce the heavy burden on her shoulders.

"The gift of gratitude"- in those times when we yearn to have more in our lives, we should dwell on the things we already have. In doing so we will often find that our lives are already full to overflowing. Gratitude is when one helps the other person without letting them know that who did what for them.

"The gift of a day"- life at its essence boils down to one day at a time. Today is the day. If we can learn how to live one day to its fullest, our lives will be rich and meaningful. People live a stressful day in today's time and do not have a single second to spend with their family or themselves people today do not have time to even spend with themselves. And all are so busy in their routines.

"The gift of love"- love is a treasure for which we can never pay. The only way we keep it is to give it away. Love. Love everyone. Love can remove differences among people if there are any. Love makes a special bond in any relation whether its family bond, or bond between friends, or girlfriends n boyfriends. Love trust respect are the basis of love anyone can love anybody like Jason loved Emily. Or Michael loved Lian and her family in blind side. Where ever we go love needs no language. Love itself is a language. Love is the powerful tool one can have which gives strength and courage to do anything.

"The ultimate gift" in the end we all learn from the movie that life lived to its fullest is its own ultimate gift one can ever gift to oneself.

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